Result Manager
The result manager is one of our most popular and powerful features.
This nifty tool will grant you full control over your search results! With Result Mappings you’ll be able to select specific search results for any query, set up a distinctive order in which they should be presented, and even create custom results that may have nothing to do with the source you’d normally pull your search results from. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Sounds too good to be true?
In this article we will explore the Result Mappings feature in all of its glory, and hopefully you’ll see why we’re so pumped up about it!
Here’s what we’re going to cover:
How to create Result Mappings?
Which actions can be performed when a query is triggered?
Customizing a specific set of results for a query
Showing custom search results and promotional banners created through HTML
Replacing search results for one query with pages relevant to another
Redirecting a query to a specific page rather than showing any search results
What are Autocomplete Queries and how to configure them?
Setting up Result Mappings
All settings related to Result Mappings can be found in the “Result Mappings” section of the “Result Manager” tab:
The setup process for Result Mappings is fairly straightforward:
First thing you've got to do is press the "+ Add New Result Mapping" button and enter the search term(s) for which your Result Mapping should be applied under "Trigger":
You can add however many triggers you want either in the same field by separating them with the Enter key or in different fields by clicking "+ Additional trigger".
Next, you need to choose the Matching Type for your Result Mapping aka how the query has to compare to the trigger you've mapped out:
There are several options for you to consider:
Matches - your user's search query has to perfectly match the trigger for the Result Mapping to apply.
Example: if your trigger of choice is "dress", mapped results will only be displayed when the query contains the word "dress" and nothing else, so "dressing up" or even "dresses" will return default search results, as if there was no Result Mapping at all.
Contains part of word - your user's search query has to contain the trigger.
Example: the specified results will be shown for all search queries that contain the word "dress", including "coatdress" or "outdress" but also "address".
Contains entire word - your user’s search query is a phrase and any one word in that phrase matches the trigger in its entirety.
Example: the mapping will be triggered for any and all phrases that contain the word “dress, such as "summer dress" or "dress with long sleeves".
Matches a regex - just like it would with Matches, your user’s search query needs to be a perfect match to the trigger, except that you’ll be configuring said trigger as a regular expression rather than a simple search term.
Example: Matches to any part of the ^(dress|coatdress|summer dress)$ regex will ensure the mapping is applied to the query.
If you’d like to learn more about this particular subject, make sure to check out this wonderful source dedicated to regular expressions.
The last item on the agenda is selecting what exactly should happen when your user enters the query you’ve selected:
There are three main actions that can be performed when a mapping is triggered:
Customize results
This one will allow you to create a specific set of results you deem the most relevant to any query. Not only do you get to pick and choose which products or pages should be shown and which should be hidden - you can also create a strict order for these results to appear in.
Here’s what the setup screen looks like for result customization:
On the left side you’ll see several settings related to how the action should be performed:
When - lets you choose between always applying the mapping to the query and applying it only within a particular timeframe (the next week, the next month - you name it) which is absolutely brilliant when you have limited-time promotions or seasonal offers
Filter by - allows you to limit your search results to a specific filter value (for instance, if you have a “Brand” filter, you could select only its “Zara” value to apply to the trigger) or a numeric range (say, to show only those products that cost anywhere from $10 to $20)
Show pinned results only - responsible for hiding all pages to which you haven’t assigned a specific unchangeable place (first, fifth, tenth) in the manually established order of search results
Blend results - when switched on, adds search results for other queries without affecting the original trigger (for example, if the trigger is “dress” and you choose to blend in some results for “skirt”, you’ll see both “dress” and “skirt” results when you search for “dress” but only “skirt” when you search for “skirt”); this would also work wonders if you want to suggest products similar to the one your user searches for, basically rewriting the query to whatever you want to guide your user’s attention to (don’t have any “Zara handbags” in your catalog? - just blend in “H&M” or “ASOS” and you’re golden)
These options are awesome by themselves but to make the absolute most out of your search you can also apply several actions to one mapping!
Say, you wanted to have your search results automatically filtered by price whenever your users look up anything cheap. Just set your trigger to “cheap”, blend in results for all possible queries by adding the * symbol, sort them by lowest price first and voila!
Note that if you want to sort your results in an ascending or descending order, you’d have to set this order up under Filters and Sorting -> Sorting and only then apply your sorting option to the mapping:
The right side of the result customization screen is all about which search results should be presented when the mapping is triggered.
If you have set up any Result Groups, and there are pages within them that match the trigger, you’ll see these Result Groups as tabs at the top of the page. You can organize all results available for your query of choice under “All” but feel free to ditch it and work with specific Result Groups only.
You can rearrange your search results by dragging and dropping them in whatever spot you consider the most appropriate in the list of naturally ranked pages shown by default. Use the hamburger button to move your search results around or press down anywhere in the white rectangular area of the item you want to rank differently until your good old double-arrows symbol appears.
Once the page is in its rightful place, you can set the pin toggle to “ON” so that it doesn’t change position regardless of where other results are in this hierarchy. You can pin any number of search results one by one.
You can also hide any page from your search results with a click on the "👁":
At the top right corner of the screen you’ll find several icons representing settings for how search results should be presented in the Result Mapping preview:
Show/hide result URL:
Show/hide result image:
Show/hide result snippets and/or data points:
Show results one page per row or in grid with multiple columns:
The toggle below these icons allows you to select any number of columns between 4 and 8:
Bonus point! The rightmost button lets you instantly return your search results to their original state:
And just when you think this couldn’t get any better, it totally does.
With the two buttons in the top middle you can create custom search results and even promotional banners.
Our Custom Results Editor allows you to easily configure new result entries that will be indistinguishable from pages you already have in your index (even if they come from a totally different website). All you need to do is fill up the following fields:
Result name (which only you will see)
Type of result (can be a simple page from a website, a video, a document or even an assistant if you so happen to also be a Zoovu user)
Result title
Result image URL (optional)
Result link
Result content or snippet (simply put, a description of this new page you’re adding to the project)
And here’s what your custom result configuration will look like:
You can also go for a promotional banner that’s going to look distinctively different from other search results (and/or search suggestions). All you need to do is go to the “+ Add Banner above Results” section and either select one of the preconfigured “HTML” search results or create a new one:
Complete freedom, right? Well, there’s one teeny tiny thing to keep in mind: while custom search results can be moved around just like a normal search result would be, custom banners are always pinned to the top of the page. Otherwise, there’s no limits to your creativity.
Every custom result and/or banner you create can be found in the "Custom Results" tab of “Result Manager”:
Custom search suggestion HTML templates
If you wanted to add custom suggestions but don’t know where to start, feel free to use the following ready-to-use templates. All you’ve got to do is to replace the {LINK}, {TITLE}, {TEXT}, and {IMAGE_URL} placeholders with relevant content from your site.
Adding a custom search suggestion without an image:
<a class="unibox
search-content unibox
search-content--link" href="{LINK}" title="{TITLE}">{TITLE}</a>
Adding a custom search suggestion with an image:
<div style="display:flex;">
<img src="{IMAGEURL}" width="{IMAGEWIDTH}" height="{IMAGE_HEIGHT}" style="margin-right:16px;">
<a class="uniboxsearch-content uniboxsearch-content--link" href="{LINK}" title="{TITLE}">{TITLE}</a>
Rewrite trigger to
This one’s perfect for when you already have a query that returns all the right results but you would like these results to be displayed for other search terms too.
These other search terms can be anything at all. Say, your product catalog doesn’t have any dress pants but has a great selection of jeans. It just so happens that some of your users search for “pants” or even “trousers” instead of “jeans”, so they never see all those fantastic jeans options. Well, if you add both of these search terms as triggers for “jeans”, next time someone looks for “pants”, they’ll have no choice but to discover the wonders of denim.
This also works great for when you see persistent typos in your search analytics. Tons of users searching for “jins”? Just think of them as synonyms and automatically redirect all those “jins” people to the right results.
Here’s what your setup may resemble should you choose to rewrite any triggers:
Redirect to URL
This one will be your first choice if for whatever reason you want to avoid showing search results altogether, automatically redirecting your user’s queries to specific pages on your site.
Mapped search queries may trigger a dedicated landing page, a promo, a contact form - whatever your heart desires.
For instance, if you only have one T-shirt available in your product catalog, you may save your users a few clicks and have the page associated with this T-shirt automatically pop up whenever someone enters “t-shirt” into the search box.
Here’s what this would look like:
Note: Unlike with Dictionary entries, you don’t have to re-index your project when you create new Result Mappings. You can test them out immediately by entering the mapped keyword into the search box under Search Preview or even directly on your site!
Autocomplete queries
These suggestions are meant to complete your user’s query with whatever you think is most worthy of their attention. For instance, if you decide to put your cardigan collection in the spotlight, you can have several “cardigan” options pop up on top of the search suggestions to guide your user’s attention to specific product entries like “black cardigan” or “cardigan with buttons”. These predictive searches would be displayed after three characters are entered into the search box (in this case, the preconfigured suggestions would be returned when you type in “car” or anything beyond that).
You’ll have several fields to fill up here:
Automatically Suggest Popular Queries - when turned on, our system will scour your Dashboard analytics for queries your users have already searched for most often and suggest them if your user’s query matches the trigger (these popular queries are tracked anonymously and updated every 3 days)
Group Label - the title under which these queries can be internally searched
Maximum Number of Items to Show In Suggestions - remember to account for search suggestions if you have them enabled and make sure that both suggested queries and those very suggestions both fit above the screen breakpoint
Edit list of query suggestions - allows you to change existing queries or create new ones by pressing the “+ Add” button
And that’s where our Result Manager journey comes to an end.
If you have any questions about Result Mappings or find yourself in need of assistance, do not hesitate to drop us an email! Our support team is here for you and always ready to help.